Segment, Personalize, and Target Your Subscribers

Effective email marketing is more complex than simply sending an email blast to your entire list. You can increase performance exponentially by targeting a subset of your subscribers, personalizing the email message, delivering customized campaigns that are sure to prompt a response, and performing remarketing based on their interaction with your campaigns.

Targeting for the Win (a 3 part series)! Part 3: Segmentation Suggestions

Do you know which segment your clients are in? Many companies segment clients and prospects by simple demographic based data. For example, size of company, title, location or geographical area. Unfortunately, using this method makes it difficult to align marketing messages with customer pain points or purchase stages. It would be better if B2B marketers improved their customer knowledge by differentiating between the types of customers they have.

Targeting for the Win (a 3 part series)! Part 2: Effective Segmentation

If you read part 1 in this series you already know the value of segmentation. But do know how to effectively segement your email list? Let’s explore that now.

Audiences are influenced in different ways by different types of content. If you sell numerous products, or are targeting more than one group, then it makes sense to profile your audience and divide them into small segments so that you can market specific products to specific groups, or create your message to suit the characteristics of the different segments.

Targeting for the Win (a 3 part series)! Part 1: The Value of Segmentation

A company that treats all customers and prospects the same speaks to everybody, and thus nobody. Rather than using a “one size fits all” approach, identify the most likely targets for a product or service. Use email to get to know customers better, and then serve them more relevant content.

Rolling Out a Successful Lifecycle Marketing Campaign

Not too long ago, one of our clients was asking about the best way to roll out a lifecycle marketing campaign (LCM or drip). For those of you who are not aware of what an LCM campaign is – it is an email marketing technique for sending multiple messages to a group of subscribers in an automated fashion. This client’s goal was to increase qualified leads in order to boost sales.

Transforming your data into customer intelligence

Customer data is one of a company’s greatest assets. Yet, this data is often underutilized. Learning about your customers and using that behavioral and transactional data to create more relevant and meaningful customer communications is the key to building and maintaining strong customer relationships.

Email marketing lends itself to tracking so marketers can gain a real-time sense of how well a campaign is performing, and pinpoint problems or areas that need improvement. The challenge a lot of marketers face is how to make sense of all the data and use it effectively. Organizing the data you accumulate from your email campaigns—and making sense if it all—can be daunting. However, developing a better understanding of customer behaviors, attitudes, and preferences enables more effective and relevant messaging.

Email intelligence tactics can help you take your marketing to the next level. For example:

• Identify and segment newly married from empty nesters (these consumers are at distinct phases in their lives)

• Segment by geography (don’t advertise Red Sox baseball caps to New York residents)

• Profile the characteristics of your most profitable customers (buys frequently, high-volume)

• Focus your sales efforts on the leads that meet qualifying criteria (demographics, firmographics)

9 Tips for Keeping a Healthy Email List

According to MarketingSherpa, the average email list depreciates by 25% every year. To improve email deliverability you need to scrub your email list to reduce duplicate, invalid, dead, and bogus emails. Like a good spring and fall cleaning, scrub your list every six months to keep your email list healthy.

Follow these 9 tips for keeping a healthy email list:

Tip #1 – Don’t purchase lists. Don’t purchase lists from third parties. Sure, it has short term benefits but it negatively affects your delivery and sender reputation in the long-run. Recipients are much more likely to hit the “spam” button when they receive email from an unknown source. Very few good leads or good results come from purchased lists.

Tip #2 – Remove alias emails. Alias addresses are things like or Many ESPs are not successful at delivering to these types of addresses because not all of the email addresses associated with the alias has opted in to receive communication from you.

Tip #3 – Keep your suppression list. List suppression means that subscribers have been added to the list because they have been unsubscribed, or emails sent to the email address have bounced. With these inactive subscribers flagged in your account as “suppressed,” it prevents any further emails being sent to them.